Path for launch #5eb87cd9ffd86e000604b32a
Mission Failed

Flight #1 (FalconSat)

Engine failure at 33 seconds and loss of vehicle

Path for launch #5eb87cdaffd86e000604b32b
Mission Failed

Flight #2 (DemoSat)

Successful first stage burn and transition to second stage, maximum altitude 289 km, Premature engin...

Path for launch #5eb87cdbffd86e000604b32c
Mission Failed

Flight #3 (Trailblazer)

Residual stage 1 thrust led to collision between stage 1 and stage 2

Path for launch #5eb87cdbffd86e000604b32d
Mission Succeed

Flight #4 (RatSat)

Ratsat was carried to orbit on the first successful orbital launch of any privately funded and devel...

Path for launch #5eb87cdcffd86e000604b32e
Mission Succeed

Flight #5 (RazakSat)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87cddffd86e000604b32f
Mission Succeed

Flight #6 (Falcon 9 Test Flight)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87cdeffd86e000604b330
Mission Succeed

Flight #7 (COTS 1)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87cdfffd86e000604b331
Mission Succeed

Flight #8 (COTS 2)

Launch was scrubbed on first attempt, second launch attempt was successful

Path for launch #5eb87ce0ffd86e000604b332
Mission Succeed

Flight #9 (CRS-1)

CRS-1 successful, but the secondary payload was inserted into abnormally low orbit and lost due to F...

Path for launch #5eb87ce1ffd86e000604b333
Mission Succeed

Flight #10 (CRS-2)

Last launch of the original Falcon 9 v1.0 launch vehicle

Path for launch #5eb87ce1ffd86e000604b334
Mission Succeed

Flight #11 (CASSIOPE)

Commercial mission and first Falcon 9 v1.1 flight, with improved 13-tonne to LEO capacity. Following...

Path for launch #5eb87ce2ffd86e000604b335
Mission Succeed

Flight #12 (SES-8)

First GTO launch for Falcon 9

Path for launch #5eb87ce3ffd86e000604b336
Mission Succeed

Flight #13 (Thaicom 6)

Second GTO launch for Falcon 9. The USAF evaluated launch data from this flight as part of a separat...

Path for launch #5eb87ce4ffd86e000604b337
Mission Succeed

Flight #14 (CRS-3)

Following second-stage separation, SpaceX conducted a second controlled-descent test of the discarde...

Path for launch #5eb87ce4ffd86e000604b338
Mission Succeed

Flight #15 (OG-2 Mission 1)

Total payload mass was 1,316 kg (2,901 lb) : 6 satellites weighing 172 kg each, plus two 142-kg mass...

Path for launch #5eb87ce5ffd86e000604b339
Mission Succeed

Flight #16 (AsiaSat 8)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87ce6ffd86e000604b33a
Mission Succeed

Flight #17 (AsiaSat 6)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87ce7ffd86e000604b33b
Mission Succeed

Flight #18 (CRS-4)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87ce8ffd86e000604b33c
Mission Succeed

Flight #19 (CRS-5)

Following second stage separation, SpaceX performed a test flight which attempted to return the firs...

Path for launch #5eb87ceaffd86e000604b33d
Mission Succeed

Flight #20 (DSCOVR)

First launch under USAF's OSP 3 launch contract. First SpaceX launch to put a satellite to an orbit ...

Path for launch #5eb87ceaffd86e000604b33e
Mission Succeed

Flight #21 (ABS-3A / Eutelsat 115W B)

The launch was Boeing's first-ever conjoined launch of a lighter-weight dual-commsat stack that was ...

Path for launch #5eb87cecffd86e000604b33f
Mission Succeed

Flight #22 (CRS-6)

Following the first-stage boost, SpaceX attempted a controlled-descent test of the first stage. The ...

Path for launch #5eb87cedffd86e000604b340
Mission Succeed

Flight #23 (TΓΌrkmenΓ„lem 52Β°E / MonacoSAT)

No description yet. 🌎

Path for launch #5eb87ceeffd86e000604b341
Mission Failed

Flight #24 (CRS-7)

Launch performance was nominal until an overpressure incident in the second-stage LOX tank, leading ...